Resolution on the Commission Work Programme for 2013


The European Parliament adopted a resolution on the Commission Work Programme for 2013. The resolution was tabled by the EPP, S&D, ALDE and Greens/EFA groups.

It urges the Commission to use all its powers to the full and to provide the political leadership required to meet the numerous challenges thrown up by the continuing crisis, while aiming to achieve financial stability and economic recovery based on increased competitiveness and a sustainable, effective and socially just anti-crisis agenda.

Parliament insists that the Commission play a full part in formulating the reports to the European Council meetings in October and December 2012, which must establish a clear roadmap and schedule for the consolidation of economic and monetary union, and which must lead in due course to a stronger political union, and in particular to greater democratic accountability and legitimacy on the basis of Treaty change.

The Commission is asked to:

·        put forward proposals to implement the commitments outlined in the Compact for Growth and Jobs, notably with a view to stimulating sustainable growth-oriented investment, improving the competitiveness of the European economy and deepening the single market;

·        use its Work Programme for 2013 to set out a detailed growth agenda which focuses on encouraging business and entrepreneurs to develop the industries and services that will deliver long-term jobs and prosperity;

·        facilitate the speedy adoption of the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and the related multiannual legislative programmes, with the full involvement of Parliament and due respect for the latter’s co-decision rights.

Implementation: Parliament emphasises the importance of the proper and timely implementation of EU law through national legislation, and urges the Commission, if necessary, to open infringement proceedings in order to ensure proper transposition and effective enforcement.

Single market: the Commission is called upon to:

·        continue to focus on improving the governance of the single market;

·        put forward proposals on the digital agenda to provide more cross-border services to consumers throughout the EU;

·        propose a cross-cutting regulation on market surveillance for all products;

·        improve its regulatory behaviour towards SMEs and micro-enterprises by tailoring legislation to SME needs and also furthering the introduction of appropriate exemptions;

·        pursue its copyright reform.

Climate, environment, energy and transport: Parliament insists on the need to implement the roadmap to a resource-efficient Europe. The Commission is requested to:

·        bring forward without delay proposals to address the weaknesses of the current Emissions Trading System in order to prevent its collapse;

·        present a detailed action plan of measures designed to achieve a fully integrated and interconnected single market in energy;

·        implement the Roadmap for moving to a competitive low-carbon economy in 2050, including mid-term milestones;

·        draw up a strategy to address the impact of rising energy prices on members of society;

·        come forward with proposals for a 2030 energy and climate package based on the current three pillars, i.e. greenhouse gas reductions, renewable energy sources and energy efficiency;

·        stick to its commitment to railways and to extend the competences of the European Railway Agency in the field of safety certification and harmonisation of rolling stock;

·        renew its efforts to implement in full the Single European Sky initiative.

Cohesive and inclusive societies – Citizens' Europe: Parliament strongly welcomes the Commission's focus on youth employment and its proposals to expand the Union's capacity to boost education and training. It expects concrete measures to reduce poverty, reform the labour market and establish social standards, so that a balanced ‘flexicurity’ approach can be implemented in those Member States that so desire. It calls for greater emphasis to be placed on the employment of disabled people in the context of an ageing society.

The resolution stresses the importance of investment in human capital and research and development, and a strong EU-wide cohesion policy post-2013.

Members welcome the more robust approach taken by the Commission to protecting the rule of law and fundamental rights across the Union, and they call for a review of the Fundamental Rights Agency and support the Commission in its negotiation of the EU's accession to the European Convention on Human Rights.

Parliament calls on the Commission to ensure that freedom of movement of persons is secured and that the Schengen acquis is fully respected. It underlines the importance of adopting the regulation on a general framework for data protection. 

Members regret the absence of a legislative proposal on enhanced intra-EU solidarity in the field of asylum, and consider it regrettable that the EU framework for national Roma integration strategies is not legally binding.

Agriculture and fisheries: Parliament welcomes the Commission's commitment to promoting a balanced and integrated approach that safeguards both the sustainable and efficient production of high-quality and affordable food and respect for the environmental and heritage value of the countryside. It urges that the CAP be closely aligned with the Europe 2020 strategy and stresses that the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy must be ambitious in order to achieve sustainable and healthy long-term fish stocks. 

Foreign and development policies: Parliament:

·        calls for the Commission and the European External Action Service to work together to propose well-coordinated initiatives to the Council in the field of common foreign and security policy;

·        expects legislative initiatives to revise the legal bases for the next generation of external financial assistance instruments, using to the full the system of delegated acts;

·        calls for more flexibility in disbursing financial assistance in crisis situations;

·        calls on the Commission to apply an enhanced outcomes-oriented development policy ensuring greater aid effectiveness and guaranteeing tighter policy coherence and greater donor coordination at national, EU and global level.

Parliament expects the Commission to support the enlargement of the Union to include any European country which respects the Union's values and is committed to promoting them, while taking into account the requirement for accession countries to fulfil the Copenhagen criteria and the Union's capacity for integration.

Trade: Parliament considers the reciprocal and balanced openness of markets to be a strategic policy instrument for the EU's internal growth and employment. It underlines the importance of involving Parliament at all stages of negotiations and remains committed to a multilateral approach to international trade. The resolution stresses the need:

·        to fight against protectionism at the multilateral level and through all trade agreements;

·        to mainstream human rights, social and environmental standards and corporate social responsibility in all international policy, together with clear rules requiring responsible behaviour by European companies;

·        for a sustained and symmetrical reduction of excessive macro-economic imbalances;

·        for concrete changes in EU tax law to tackle all aspects of tax havens and fiscal evasion.