The Commission presents a report on a voluntary scheme proposed by the industry for imaging equipment in accordance with Directive 2009/125/EC which establishes a framework for the setting of ecodesign requirements for energy-related products (the Ecodesign Directive). It provides a legal framework for laying down ecodesign requirements for selected priority product groups.
Imaging equipment must be covered by an implementing measure or by a self-regulation measure, since this product group meets the criteria listed in the Ecodesign Directive: (i) it represents significant sales volumes, (ii) has a significant environmental impact and (iii) has a significant improvement potential.
Companies active on the imaging equipment market concluded a voluntary agreement on 16 February 2011, laying down specific ecodesign requirements for imaging equipment placed on the EU market. It is estimated that the commitments undertaken by the signatories to the voluntary agreement will generate savings in 2020 of 15 TWh, corresponding to 4.1 Mt CO2 emissions and between 2011 and 2020 of 130 TWh, corresponding to 36 Mt CO2 emissions.
Elements of the voluntary agreement: under the agreement , each signatory undertook that at least 90% of all imaging equipment models it places on the market would comply with the minimum efficiency requirements in terms of TEC (typical energy consumption) and OM (operational mode). The products covered by the agreement are also subject to the ENERGY STAR voluntary energy labelling programme, which lays down energy labelling requirements for different office equipment, including imaging equipment.
In addition, the agreement establishes two administrative bodies:
The agreement also:
Acceptance of the voluntary scheme: the Commission considers this voluntary scheme a valid alternative to an ecodesign implementing measure, and will, accordingly, abstain from establishing mandatory ecodesign requirements for imaging equipment placed on the EU market as long as the voluntary agreement and any subsequent versions concluded under the proposed voluntary scheme meet their objectives and the general principles defined in the Ecodesign Directive.