Labour market statistics: labour cost index


In accordance with the requirements of Regulation (EC) No 450/2003, the Commission presents a report on labour cost index (LCI) data from reference quarter 2010Q3 to quarter 2012Q2.

The major changes introduced in 2009 relating to the introduction of the new NACE Rev.2 classification and the coverage of non-market services were described in the 2010 report. Since the last report, progress has been made on a number of issues. Generally speaking, the availability and quality of the labour cost index (LCI) continued to improve.

The improvements in relevance and completeness are particularly noteworthy. Moreover, the full availability of aggregates (including the NACE Rev. 2 sections O to S) has added to the overall usefulness of the LCI. The publication of yearly estimates of labour-cost levels based on the LCI provides users with significant new added value.

However, the report discusses certain matters which should be improved, and highlights the fact that the punctuality of data transmissions from Member States has not improved since the previous report delivered in 2011, although no country except for Greece was systematically late. The Commission states that Member States should continue channelling resources into measures to achieve punctual data transmissions. Where the desired improvements are not taking place as planned, the relevant national authorities will be approached and the Commission will take the necessary measures to enforce compliance.