The Committee on Employment and Social Affairs adopted the own-initiative report by Thomas HÄNDEL (GUE/NGL, DE) on cross-border collective bargaining and transnational social dialogue.
Members recall that there were 244 European transnational company agreements (TCAs) in 2012, indicating that labour relations in transnational companies in Europe are becoming increasingly integrated.
They note that TCAs are concluded between European trade union federations, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, individual companies and/or employers federations, generally at sectoral level.
In this context, Members propose that the Commission should consider whether an optional European legal framework for these European TCAs would be necessary which could abide by the following rules:
Members proposes to the Commission that it recommend the social partners to take account of the following criteria in relation to European TCAs: the mandating procedure, i.e. clarification of the legitimacy and representativeness of the negotiating parties between whom agreements are concluded; the place and date of conclusion of the agreement; its substantive and geographical scope; the most favourable clause and the non-regression clause; the period of validity; the preconditions for denouncing the agreement and the
dispute settlement procedures; the subjects covered by the agreement; and further formal requirements.
The report recalls in this context the positive experiences of cross-border partnerships between social partners, and calls on the Commission and the Member States to ensure EU support for such partnerships in the future.
Members encourage the European social partners to make full use of the possibility of EU agreements as provided by Article 155 TFEU, on a basis of full respect for their autonomy. They also call for an enhanced role for the European social partners in shaping European policies.
Lastly, Members stress the need to encourage, support and increase the representation and participation of women at the different levels of social dialogue and collective bargaining structures.