Fight against fraud: protection of the Community financial interests, Hercule II action programme 2007-2013


The present overview provides information on actions started under the 2012 Hercule II budget as well as information on the results of actions started before 2012 that were finalised in 2012. This overview is in line with Article 7 of the Decision 878/2007.

The report’s main conclusions are as follows:

The results show that the activities covered by the annual overview 2012, and funded under the Hercule II Programme, were overall successful.

Budget implementation: 91% of the available budget for the Hercule II Programme was committed. It should be noted that half of the budget was spent on grant agreements, in particular technical assistance, which require a national co-funding of at least 50% of the eligible costs. Budget restrictions in the Member States eventually led to fewer applications for smaller amounts as well as the withdrawal of some successful applications.

By the end of 2011, the Commission adopted a proposal for a new programme, Hercule III, under the Multi-Annual Financial Framework MFF (2014-2020). This proposal was discussed within the Anti-Fraud Working Group of the Council (GAF), which mandated the Presidency to start negotiations. The GAF generally supported the Commission's proposal, but could not reach a final position on the co-funding rates for grants and the overall amount for the programme. Parliament’s report on the proposal, which was adopted in November 2012, contained 46 amendments. In 2013, Parliament, the Council and the Commission started an informal trilogue within the framework of the ordinary legislative procedure.

By 31 December 2014, the Commission (OLAF) shall present to the European Parliament and to the Council a report on the achievement of the objectives of the programme.