PURPOSE: to mobilise the Flexibility Instrument to complement the financing, in the 2014 EU budget, of the Cypriot Structural Funds programmes.
PROPOSED ACT: Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council.
CONTENT: the future Council Regulation laying down the multiannual financial framework for the years 2014-2020 allows for the mobilisation of the Flexibility Instrument to allow the financing of clearly identified expenditure which could not be financed within the limits of the ceilings available for one or more headings of the multiannual financial framework.
In accordance with Article 11 of this Regulation, and after having examined all possibilities for re-allocating appropriations under heading 1b, the Commission proposes to mobilise the Flexibility Instrument to complement the financing in the general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2014, beyond the ceiling of heading 1b, of EUR 78 380 000 towards the financing of the Cypriot Structural Funds programmes to grant an additional allocation from the Structural Funds to Cyprus.