EC/Morocco Fisheries Partnership Agreement: fishing opportunities and financial contribution. EU/Morocco Protocol


PURPOSE: to conclude the Protocol between the European Union and Morocco setting out the fishing opportunities and financial contribution provided for in the EU-Morocco Fisheries Partnership Agreement.

PROPOSED ACT: Council Decision.

ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: Council may adopt the act only if Parliament has given its consent to the act.

BACKGROUND: the Union negotiated a new Protocol granting vessels of the Union fishing opportunities in the waters falling within the sovereignty or jurisdiction of Morocco as regards fishing.

The Council authorised the signature of this Protocol, subject to its conclusion at a later date.

It is now necessary to approve the Protocol on behalf of the Union.

CONTENT: under this proposal, the Council is called upon to conclude the Protocol to the Fisheries Agreement with Morocco.

This draft Protocol seeks to establish the fishing opportunities, with the corresponding financial contribution, and setting out the conditions for promoting responsible fishing and sustainable fisheries in the fishing zone of Morocco.

For further details of the fishing opportunities and the financial impact of the draft Protocol on the EU budget, please refer to the summary of the Commission initial legislative proposal dated 23/09/2013.

Simplified procedure for defining the position of the EU within the EU-Morocco Joint Committee: the Partnership Agreement set up a Joint Committee which is responsible for monitoring the implementation of this Agreement. Furthermore, in accordance with the Protocol, the Joint Committee may approve certain modifications to the Protocol. In order to facilitate the approval of such modifications, it is appropriate to empower the European Commission, subject to specific conditions, to approve them under a simplified procedure detailed in the proposed Decision.

The amendments concern in particular:

  • the review of fishing opportunities;
  • the decision on the modalities of the sectoral support in accordance with the Protocol.