PURPOSE: to establish a new seat of the European Police College (CEPOL) in Hungary.
BACKGROUND: according to Article 4 of Council Decision 2005/681/JHA establishing the European Police College (CEPOL), CEPOL has its seat in Bramshill, United Kingdom.
By letters of 12 December 2012 and 8 February 2013, the United Kingdom informed CEPOL that it no longer wishes to host the seat on its territory. Apart from hosting CEPOL, Bramshill also hosts a national police training site of the National Policing Improvement Agency which the United Kingdom decided to replace by a new College of Policing to be located elsewhere.
The United Kingdom has therefore decided to close the national police training site at Bramshill and to sell the site indicating that the related costs were high and no alternative business model to run the site had emerged.
In view of this situation, on 8 October 2013, the Council agreed by common accord on arrangements to host CEPOL according to which CEPOL will be hosted in Budapest as soon as it moves from Bramshill.
This agreement should be incorporated in Council Decision 2005/681/JHA.
IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the impact assessment of locating CEPOL seat in Budapest demonstrates that the proposal complies with the pertinent criteria, allowing the European Parliament and the Council to assess the impact of the relocation and the functioning of CEPOL in Budapest.
The assessment addresses those factors in detail that:
Moreover, the headquarters offered by Hungary for the purposes of the seat of the CEPOL are situated in the city centre of Budapest. Due to the central location of Budapest, it is easily accessible from most European capitals by cost-effective flights.
The building proposed satisfies the requirements laid down by Secretariat of CEPOL. Hungary also proposes to offer, free of charge, a number of services and installations.
LEGAL BASIS: Article 87(2)(b) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
CONTENT: this proposal seeks to amend Article 4 of Council Decision 2005/681/JHA and proposes the new seat of CEPOL to be established in Budapest, Hungary.
The specific budgetary implications of the proposal relate to estimated savings in CEPOLs functioning costs per year due to the proposed relocation from Bramshill to Budapest as well as an estimated tentative budgetary calculation of the one-off expenditure of the relocation. The savings amount to EUR 203 500/year. The estimated tentative budgetary calculation of the one-off expenditure for relocating CEPOL from Bramshill to Budapest amounts to EUR 1 875 449.