EC/Indonesia Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Partnership and Cooperation


PURPOSE: to conclude the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Partnership and cooperation between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and  Indonesia, of the other part.

NON-LEGISLATIVE ACT: Council Decision 2014/230/EU on the conclusion of the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Partnership and Cooperation between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and Indonesia, of the other part, with the exception of matters related to readmission. 

BACKGROUND: in accordance with Council Decision 2014/229/EU, the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Partnership and Cooperation between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and Indonesia, of the other part (‘the Agreement’) was signed on 9 November 2009, subject to its conclusion at a later date.

It is now appropriate to approve the agreement on behalf of the Union.

CONTENT: by means of this decision, the Council approves on behalf of the European Union, with the consent of the European Parliament, a Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Partnership and Cooperation between the EU and its Member States, of the one part, and Indonesia, of the other part, with the exception of matters related to readmission which is the subject of a separate decision (Art 34(3)).

General principles: the Agreement seeks to strengthen EU-Indonesian relations and opens a new era in bilateral relations, based on shared principles such as equality, mutual respect, mutual benefit, democracy, rule of law and human rights. These instruments applicable to both Parties underpin the internal and international policies of both Parties and constitute an essential element of this Agreement.

Amongst the other main principles defined as the basis of the Agreement, are the following:

·         the challenge of climate change and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals;

·         the attachment to the principles of good governance, the rule of law, including the independence of the judiciary, and the fight against corruption;

·         the principles of equality and mutual benefit.

Sectoral cooperation: the Agreement strengthens political, economic and sectoral cooperation across a wide range of policy fields, including:

·         trade,

·         environment,

·         energy,

·         science and technology,

·         tourism and culture,

·         migration,

·         counter-terrorism and the fight against corruption and organised crime.

It will further enhance cooperation on responding to global challenges, where both Indonesia and the EU are playing an increasingly important role, such as in the G20.

Other sectors shall also be covered: financial services, taxation and customs, macroeconomic policy, industrial policy and SMEs, information society, energy, transport, education and culture, natural resources, including marine environment; forestry; agriculture and rural development; personal data protection; cooperation on the modernisation of the state and public administration; and intellectual property rights, migration issues, legal and illegal migration, smuggling and trafficking in human beings.

Cooperation should also be established as regards countering the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, combating illicit drugs, civil society and the strengthening of NGOs.

The Agreement also includes a future development clause allowing for the Parties to put forward suggestions to widen the scope of cooperation.

Political dialogue: the PCA will be regarded as a positive example for an inter-cultural/religious dialogue, given that Indonesia is the third most populous country in Asia and the largest Muslim country in the world.

Institutional framework: the draft Agreement includes institutional provisions which aim to put in place a joint committee, comprising representatives of both sides at the highest possible level, to ensure the proper functioning and application of the agreement and to resolve potential differences.

Duration of the Agreement: this Agreement is valid for a period of five years. It shall be automatically extended for further successive periods, unless either Party notifies the other Party in writing of its intention not to extend it.

ENTRY INTO FORCE: 14.04.2014. The date of the entry into force of the agreement will be published in the Official Journal of the European Union by the General Secretariat of the Council.