Protection of the euro against counterfeiting, Pericles programme 2002-2005


The Commission presents a report concerning the implementation and the results of the Pericles programme for the protection of the euro against counterfeiting 2006 -2013.

Implementation of the programme  and results: based on the reference amount of EUR 1 million for 2006 and EUR 6.9 million for the period 2007-2013, the annual appropriations authorised under the Pericles programme were EUR 1 million per year with the exception of 2010 (EUR 0.9 million).

The report notes that the implementation of Pericles reflected the high level of interest of Member States on the protection of the euro against counterfeiting. Accordingly, 95.7% of the budget has been committed. In three consecutive years (2009-2010-2011) OLAF had to recommit budget de-committed during the same year in order to meet Member States’ requests.

In the period 2006-2013 Pericles funded 113 projects.  Of these projects 72 originated from the competent authorities of Member States, while 41 were initiatives of the Commission/OLAF. Most of the actions implemented during that period were training and dissemination and activities involving staff exchanges.

Target groups:

·        participants came from 83 countries. The majority of trainees (51%) were Member States nationals with clear predominance of staff from the euro area. European participants account for 73 % in total, while 16% of trainees were from Latin America (mainly Colombia, Peru and Argentina). While Africa was mainly represented by North African nationalities, the participation of Asian trainees was mainly limited to Chinese;

·        with respect to the professional background of participants, members from police forces, represent 64% of the total. The report stresses the differences among the various other categories of participants (36%), including a high participation from Central Banks (11%) and judicial staff (7%).

Pericles actions took place both inside and outside the EU. In specific focus were Latin America (where Colombian and Peruvian organised crime represents a substantial threat for the euro) and neighbouring areas such as the South East of Europe (including Turkey and the Western Balkans), the Mediterranean region and the North East of Europe.

Structural and legislative improvements: Pericles actions have led to:

·        a number of structural and legislative improvements in Member States and in third countries. Among others, Colombia, Peru and Argentina made a strong effort to establish structures against counterfeiting similar to the National Central Offices in the European Union;

·        assisting the acceding countries and newcomers in their efforts to apply the EU acquis in the specific area of protecting the euro;

·        being used by the Commission in the preparation of the proposal for a Directive on the protection of the euro and other currencies against counterfeiting by criminal law.

Lastly, Regulation (EU) No 331/201417 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing an exchange, assistance and training programme for the protection of the euro against counterfeiting (the “Pericles 2020” programme) was adopted on 11 March 2014. The Commission shall provide annual information on the results of the Programme to the European Parliament and to the Council.