PURPOSE : to extend and amend Council Regulation 1659/98/EC on decentralised Cooperation.
LEGISLATIVE ACT : Regulation 625/2004/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council extending and amending Regulation 1659/98/EC on decentralised cooperation.
CONTENT : the Council adopted this Regulation amending amending and extending until 31 December 2006 Regulation 1659/98 on poverty reduction and sustainable development initiatives undertaken by decentralised co-operation agents in developing countries under the Community's policy on development co-operation.
The Regulation is aimed at supporting operations in specific situations and difficult partnerships where traditional instruments cannot be used. The modification of Regulation 1659/98 follows the completion of an evaluation and the adoption by the Commission of a communication on the participation of non-state actors in Community development policy.
The Community shall support operations and initiatives undertaken by decentralised cooperation agents of the Community and the developing countries centred on poverty reduction and sustainable development, particularly in situations involving difficult partnerships where other instruments cannot be used. Such operations and initiatives shall promote:
- a more participatory approach to development, responsive to the needs and initiatives of the populations in the developing countries,
- a contribution to the diversification and reinforcement of civil society and grassroots democracy in the countries concerned.
In supporting such operations and initiatives, priority shall be given to decentralised cooperation agents of the developing countries. All developing countries shall be eligible for operations to promote decentralised cooperation."
The cooperation partners eligible for financial support pursuant to this Regulation shall be decentralised cooperation agents in the Community or the developing countries, such as: local (including municipal) authorities, non-governmental organisations, organisations of indigenous peoples, local traders' associations and local citizens' groups, cooperatives, trade unions, economic and social actors organisations, local organisations (including networks) which are active in the area of regional decentralised cooperation and integration, consumer organisations, women's and youth organisations, teaching, cultural, research and scientific organisations, universities, churches and religious associations or communities, media and any non-governmental associations and independent foundations likely to contribute to development.
The Community financing of the operations shall cover a period of three years. The financial framework for the implementation of this programme for the period 2004 to 2006 shall be EUR 18 million.
The annual appropriations shall be authorised by the budgetary authority within the limits of the financial perspective.
ENTRY INTO FORCE : 6 April 2004.�