Amending budget 5/2014: own resources; surpluses, balances and adjustments


PURPOSE: presentation of the Draft Amending Budget (DAB) No 6 for the year 2014.

CONTENT: DAB No 6 for the year 2014 concerns the following:

  • a revision of the forecast of Traditional Own Resources (customs duties), VAT and GNI  own resources balances (the Commission proposes to increase Traditional Own Resources (TOR) by EUR 420 million in chapter 12 of revenue to reflect the trend in custom duties made available to the budget up to now. It also proposes to enter a negative amount of EUR 285 million for the VAT balances and a positive amount of EUR 9 813 million for the GNI balances, having a global impact of EUR 9 528 million, which reduces the Member States' GNI contributions accordingly);
  • a reduction in the budgetary appropriations related to the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and the reserve for Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreements, for a total amount of EUR 76.3 million in commitment appropriations and EUR 6.2 million in payment appropriations. It is proposed to redeploy the related payment appropriations to the Emergency Aid Reserve;
  • an increase in the budgetary appropriations, both commitments and payments of EUR 93 500 for the European Ombudsman, in order to ensure that all salary remunerations due in 2014 can be paid by the end of the year.

The overall impact in terms of expenditure, is a decrease of EUR 76.2 million commitment appropriations, and an increase of EUR 93 500 for payment appropriations.

The overall impact in terms of revenue, is a decrease in the requirements for Own Resources of EUR 9 527.7 million.

The distribution by Member State is adjusted accordingly.