The Council's position fully reflects the compromise reached in the informal negotiations between the Council and the European Parliament, with the support of the Commission.
More specifically, the main issues which required modifications compared to the original Commission proposal were:
· the list of definitions, which was expanded, with new definitions added and others being further specified;
· the content of, and procedure for, the modifications to the monitoring plan;
· the types of monitoring of CO2 emissions, where a particular exemption was introduced to monitoring on a per-voyage basis; the possibility to monitor and report on a voluntary basis, both yearly and per-voyage, additional information items, such as those relating to the ice-class of the ship and to navigation through ice, was also included;
· the organisation of verification activities, with a view to clarifying the sequencing of actions and simplifying the procedure;
· the structure and content of compliance and the mechanism for penalties, together with the possible links to Directive 2009/16/EC on port-state control;
· the deletion of the link to Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 on a mechanism for monitoring and reporting greenhouse gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change;
· the information that is to be made available by the Commission, the recognition of a (limited) exemption from that publicity, as well as the different types of reports that the Commission is to establish under the Regulation;
· the scope of Annex II, where a possible differentiation between different types of ships and the further specification of applicable parameters for the calculation of cargo carried by implementing act was introduced;
· the scope of the delegated acts foreseen in the Regulation.