The Committee on Foreign Affairs adopted the own-initiative report by Arnaud DANJEAN (PPE, FR) on the implementation of the Common Security and Defence Policy (based on the Annual Report from the Council to the European Parliament on the Common Foreign and Security Policy).
Stressing that the current level of instability at the EUs borders and in its immediate neighbourhood was unprecedented since the late 1990s, Members were concerned that the Union might not jointly be able to be a key player in addressing each of these threats and that it might all too often be reduced to relying on the initiatives of one or a few Member States, or on ad hoc alliances in which it had only a peripheral or reserve role to play.
The Union and its Member States must, as a matter of the utmost urgency, adapt to the new security challenges, in particular by (i) making effective use of the existing CSDP tools, including by linking these better to the EUs foreign affairs tools, humanitarian assistance, and development policy, (ii) coordinating national actions and pooling resources more closely and, where appropriate, (iii) introducing in a pragmatic and flexible manner new arrangements for the expression of European solidarity.
Members found regrettable, especially with regard to the increasing external instabilities, the fact that the injection of political stimulus by the European Council in 2013 did not lead to enhanced cooperation and the substantial and rapid implementation of practical measures.
They considered that the upcoming European Council meeting in June 2015 on defence should take decisions that will lead to the improvement of the capacity of the Union and the Member States as regards territorial defence, in total complementarity with NATO as well as their ability to:
CSDP missions and operations: the report was concerned that the most recent civilian and military operations under the CSDP had continued to be dogged by structural shortfalls, which had been evident for several years, namely (i) inefficiency as regards immediate reactions to civilian and military actions, (ii) lengthy and inflexible decision-making processes, (iii) the need for greater solidarity among Member States in funding missions, (iv) mission mandates which were unsuited to the operational environment, (v) the problem of force generation, and (vi) logistical and financial inertia.
Members welcomed the Councils intention to initiate a process of strategic reflection on the challenges and opportunities for the foreign and security policy. They called, furthermore, on the VP/HR to initiate a wide-reaching process to develop an even more ambitious white paper on European security and defence in order to streamline the EUs strategic ambitions and capability development processes
Members underlined the importance of achieving a common level of cybersecurity among the Member States and called furthermore, for a coherent European strategy to secure critical (digital) infrastructure against cyber attacks, while also protecting and promoting citizens digital rights and freedoms.
Capabilities: Members considered that the reduction in national defence budgets due to the effects of the 2008 economic and financial crisis took place without coordination between the Member States, thus jeopardising the Unions strategic autonomy.
They stressed the importance of:
The Union should encourage Member States to meet NATO capacity targets, which require a minimum level of defence spending of 2 % of GDP and a minimum 20 % share of the defence budget for major equipment needs, including for research and development.
The defence industry: Members believed that all the measures in question depend on the prior joint determination of what falls within the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base (EDTIB) so that potential beneficiary companies or strategic activities can be targeted, with due regard for the capacity differences between the Member States defence industries.
This definition could be based on a number of criteria, such as (i) the development within the EU of equipment and technology, (ii) control by companies of the property and utilisation rights for the equipment and technology they develop, and (iii) the assurance in the event of foreign ownership that foreign owners do not have excessive voting rights, which would jeopardise control by companies over their activities.
The Commission was asked to clearly identify and mobilise EU financial means and instruments aimed at assisting in the establishment of a European Common Defence Industry Market.