Amending budget 6/2015: own resources, Union trust funds for external action, BEREC Office


PURPOSE: adoption of Amending Budget (DAB) No 6 to the General Budget of the European Union for the year 2015.

LEGISLATIVE ACT: Definitive adoption (EU, Euratom) 2015/2220 of Amending budget No 6 of the European Union for the financial year 2015.

CONTENT: the European Parliament definitively adopted the Amending budget No 6/2015 of the European Union, in line with its resolution of 14 October 2015 (please refer to the summary of the resolution).

It covers the following:

  • a revision of the forecast of Traditional Own Resources (TOR, i.e. customs duties and sugar sector levies), VAT and GNI bases;
  • the budgeting of the relevant UK corrections as well as their financing resulting in a change in the distribution between Member States of their own resources contributions to the EU budget.

It also covers the creation of two new budget items for support expenditure for trust funds managed by the European Commission, in policy areas "Development and Cooperation" and "Enlargement", both with a token entry (p.m.) as well as a change to the establishment plan of the BEREC Office with no changes to the overall number of posts or to its budget.

AB 6/2015 has no consequences for expenditure in 2015.

The impact for revenue is a change in the distribution between Member States of their own resources contributions.