PURPOSE: to amend Regulation (EU) No 1236/2010 in
order to incorporate it into Union law amendments to the Scheme as
adopted in North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC) in
2012, 2013 and 2014.
LEGISLATIVE ACT: Regulation (EU) 2016/96 of the
European Parliament and of the Council of 20 January 2016 amending
Regulation (EU) No 1236/2010 laying down a scheme of control and
enforcement applicable in the area covered by the Convention on
future multilateral cooperation in the North-East Atlantic
CONTENT: the Regulation amends Regulation
(EU) No 1236/2010 in order to incorporate it into Union law
amendments to the Scheme as adopted in NEAFC
Recommendations 15/2013 and 9/2014 as amended by
Recommendation 12/2015 which have become binding for the
Contracting Parties to NEAFC and consequently for the
These recommendations consist of amending the Scheme
of control as regards:
- Recommendation 15:2013 concerning the communication of
transhipments and of port of landing:
this change clarifies that vessels involved in a transhipment
operation in the Regulatory Area as receiving vessel shall
communicate the port of landing regardless of whether the landing
is to take place in a port inside or outside the Convention
- Recommendation 9:2014 concerning the definitions, a
number of provisions applying to Port State Control of foreign
fishing vessels and the infringement procedures: the main change is the alignment of the Scheme with
the FAO Agreement on Port State Measures to Prevent, Deter and
Eliminate IUU, approved by the EU in 2011. Contracting Parties have
agreed that this recommendation will enter into force on 1 July
- Recommendation 12:2015 amending Recommendation 9:2014
with respect to Articles 22 and 23 of the Scheme on Port State
Control of foreign fishing vessels:
the amendments concerns the respect of notification procedures on
Port State Control of foreign fishing vessels with the aim to adapt
them for the switch-over from a paper based system to a modern
web-based ICT application, operated by the NEAFC
ENTRY INTO FORCE: 5.2.2016, with the exception of
points 1 and 4 to 12 of Article 1 which shall apply from 1 July