EU/Norway Agreement: reciprocal access to fishing in the Skagerrak for vessels flying the flag of Denmark, Norway and Sweden


PURPOSE: conclude the Agreement between the European Union and the Kingdom of Norway on reciprocal access to fishing in the Skagerrak for vessels flying the flag of Denmark, Norway and Sweden.

PROPOSED ACT: Council Decision.

ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: Council may adopt the act only if Parliament has given its consent to the act. 

BACKGROUND: the Agreement between the European Union and the Kingdom of Norway on reciprocal access to fishing in the Skagerrak for vessels flying the flag of Denmark, Norway and Sweden was signed on 15 January 2015, subject to its conclusion at a later date.

The Agreement should now be approved.

CONTENT: the draft Council Decision seeks to approve, on behalf of the Union, the Agreement between the European Union and Norway on reciprocal access to fishing in the Skagerrak for vessels flying the flag of Denmark, Norway and Sweden.

The new Agreement:

  • maintains the exclusive access granted to vessels from Denmark, Norway and Sweden to each other's waters outside 4 nautical miles from the baselines;
  • ensures continued reciprocal access for the two Member States and Norway to the respective waters of the other Parties in the Skagerrak area, whilst at the same time, ensuring sound conservation and management measures for fisheries in the area;
  • allows for control measures in harmony with the principles of normal Coastal State jurisdiction, as is already the case for fisheries in the North Sea.