The Committee on Culture and Education adopted the report by Mircea DIACONU (ADLE, RO) on the proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on a European Year of Cultural Heritage.
The committee recommended that the European Parliaments position adopted at first reading following the ordinary legislative procedure should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
Objective of the European Year: the main objective of the European Year is the celebration of European cultural heritage as a shared resource, resulting from a centuries-old history and the intertwining of the Member States as well as European peoples.
It shall enhance the contribution of European cultural heritage to the economy and the society, through its direct and indirect economic potential. This includes the capacity to underpin the cultural and creative industries, small and medium sized enterprises as well as small-scale and large-scale projects.
Working group: in the first quarter of 2017, the Commission shall set up a working group involving the European Parliament and relevant stakeholders. By 31 December 2017, the working group shall present a work plan detailing the activities foreseen for 2018, including the corresponding budgetary allocations, as well as the visual identity for the European Year. A number of flagship initiatives shall be identified by the working group and implemented in the framework of the European Year.
Coordination at Member State level: the competent authorities from the Member States shall work together with the Union institutions in order to guarantee the proper implementation of the European Year and to multiply its impact through additional activities, community involvement and dissemination actions.
The Commission shall convene meetings of the coordinators at Member State level and representatives of the European Parliament in order to coordinate the running of the European Year and to exchange information regarding its implementation at Member State and Union level. The coordination at Union level of the European Year shall have a transversal approach within the Commission ensuring the participation of all relevant Directorates General under the coordination of the Directorate General for Education and Culture with a view to creating synergies between the various Union programmes and initiatives funding projects in the field of cultural heritage, and to better disseminating information on the European Year.
Involvement of civil society: the structure of the European Year shall allow for the active participation of professional organisations operating in the field of cultural heritage, of existing transnational cultural networks and of interested NGOs and cultural associations and, in particular, of youth organisations.
Budget: a dedicated article within the general budget of the Union shall be established for the European Year. This Article shall include the funds foreseen for the preparation of the European Year, its implementation and actions contributing to the European Year's long-term sustainability. The overall funding in this Article shall be EUR 15 million. The indicative breakdown by year shall be as follows:
Activities financed: the activities organised in the framework of the European Year may be co-financed through dedicated grants from national, regional and local authorities in the Member States and through flexible funding mechanisms such as public-private partnerships or crowdfunding.