PURPOSE: to grant discharge to the European Training Foundation (ETF) in respect of the Agencys budget for the financial year 2015.
NON-LEGISLATIVE ACT: Decision (EU) 2017/1699 of the European Parliament on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Training Foundation for the financial year 2015.
CONTENT: with the present decision, the European Parliament grants discharge to the Director of the European Training Foundation for the implementation of its budget for the financial year 2015.
This decision is in line with the European Parliament's resolution adopted on 27 April 2017 and comprises a series of observations that form an integral part of the discharge decision (please refer to the summary of the opinion of 27 April 2017).
Amongst Parliaments main observations in the resolution accompanying the discharge decision, the latter noted that the Foundation has not collected or published declarations of conflicts of interests of all of its governing board members and that there is no mechanism which obliges the members to provide such declarations. Parliament called on the Foundation to adopt strict guidelines for a coherent policy on the prevention and management of conflicts of interest.
It noted that the Foundation's internal reorganisation came into effect on 1 January 2015 and hoped that the changed internal organisation will help the Foundation achieve better results.