On 9 October 2017, the Commission submitted to the
Council draft amending budget (DAB) No 6 to the general budget for
As regards the expenditure side, the following
modifications are proposed:
- to decrease payment appropriations (p/a) by -EUR
7.7 billion mostly under sub-heading 1b (-EUR 5.9 billion), and
to a lesser extent under headings 2, 3 and 4 due to delays in the
implementation of the 2014-2020 programmes;
- to decrease commitment appropriations (c/a) by -EUR
15.3 million under heading 2 as a result of the latest needs
- to decrease c/a and p/a by -EUR 46 million for
the European Union Solidarity Fund (EUSF) relating to the payment
of advances which will no longer be needed in 2017.
As regards the revenue side, the amendments
proposed in this DAB concern:
- the revision of the forecast of Traditional Own
Resources (i.e. customs duties and sugar levies), value added tax
(VAT) and gross national income (GNI) bases, the budgeting of the
relevant UK corrections and their financing, which affects the
distribution of own resources contributions from Member
States to the EU budget;
- entering into the EU budget the fines decided
by the Commission, for which all legal remedies were exhausted and
which therefore became definitive in the course of 2017, reducing
accordingly the own resources contributions from Member States to
the EU budget.
Overall, this DAB decreases the level of c/a by
-EUR 61.3 million and of p/a by -EUR 7 719.7
On 27 November 2017, the Council adopted its position
on Draft amending budget No 6/2017 as set out in the technical
annex to the explanatory memorandum to its position on the draft
amending budget (see Council document 14275/2017).