PURPOSE: adoption of a Draft Amending Budget (DAB) No.
6 to the 2017 budget.
NON-LEGISLATIVE ACT: Definitive Adoption (EU, Euratom)
2018/91 of amending budget No 6 of the European Union for the
financial year 2017.
CONTENT: the European Parliament definitively adopted
Draft Amending Budget No 6 for the financial year 2017 in
accordance with its resolution of 30 November 2017 (see the summary
of the resolution).
As a reminder, this Amending budget aims:
- on the expenditure side, to decrease the level of
payment appropriations by EUR 7 719.7 million, mostly in budget lines under heading 1b (Economic,
social and territorial cohesion) and, to a lesser extent, under
headings 2 (Sustainable growth - natural resources), 3 (Security
and Citizenship) and 4 (Global Europe) and in the European Union
Solidarity Fund (EUSF);
- on the revenue side, to:
(i) include adjustments linked to the revision of the forecasts
of Traditional Own Resources (i.e. customs duties and sugar
sector levies), value-added tax (VAT) and gross national income
(GNI) bases, and the budgeting of the 2013 and 2016 UK corrections
and their financing; (ii) take account of a total amount of EUR
3 209.7 million in fines which has become definitive and
exceeds the level initially planned for the 2017 budget, and
assigns the difference between the latter and the former (amounting
up to EUR 2 209.7 million) to the reduction of own resources
contributions from Member States to the Union budget.
Amending Budget No 6/2017 results in a reflow to
national budgets of EUR 9 829.6 million additional to the
reflow of EUR 6 405 million already confirmed in light of Amending
budget 2/2017.