PURPOSE: presentation of the Annual report of the Court of Auditors on the implementation of the budget concerning the financial year 2016.
CONTENT: the Court of Auditors published its 40th annual report on the implementation of the general budget of the Union for the year 2016. This report follows a five-part structure:
The Court concludes that payments for 2016 are legal and regular, with the exception of those based on the cost reimbursement payments. It believes that the EU accounts present a true and fair view of the EUs financial position.
The audit also focuses on the budget implementation of the European Ombudsman.
Overall, audit evidence indicates that spending on Administration is not affected by a material level of error. For this MFF heading area, testing of transactions indicates that the estimated level of error present in the population is 0.2 %.
The Court noted that the institutions had collectively cut the number of posts in the establishment plan by 4% over the period from 2013 to 2017. The institutions had reduced the number of staff (posts actually occupied by a staff member) by 1.4 % between 2013 and 2017.
The Court also examined how the budgeted number of contract staff had changed. This number rose from 4 517 to 5 417 between 2013 and 2017 - an increase of 19.9 %. Contract staff made up 11.4 % of the number of staff in the establishment plan in 2013, and 14.2 % in 2017.
The institutions are achieving the 5 % reduction target by eliminating vacant posts in the establishment plan and by not replacing staff members leaving upon retirement, illness or at the end of temporary contracts.
The Court did not detect any specific problem regarding the European Ombudsman.