PURPOSE: to modernise EU tools and services in the area of skills and qualifications (Europass).
LEGISLATIVE ACT: Decision (EU) 2018/646 of the European Parliament and of the Council on a common framework for the provision of better services for skills and qualifications (Europass) and repealing Decision No 2241/2004/EC.
CONTENT: the Decision establishes a new Europass framework, the purpose of which is to support the transparency and understanding of skills and qualifications acquired in formal, non-formal and informal settings, including through practical experiences, mobility and volunteering.
Purpose: the new Europass framework shall offer:
Europass shall consist of web-based tools and relevant available information, provided through an online platform and supported by national services intended to help users to better communicate and present skills and qualifications and to compare qualifications.
Europass aims is to reach all potential users from those with lower levels of education, people with disabilities, older people and the long-term unemployed to highly educated people with strong digital literacy. It shall continue to evolve over time in line with users' needs and in order to make the most effective use of technological developments. The new Europass framework shall also link in with other EU tools and services covering labour and education and training systems such as the EURES job mobility portal in order to allow for an easier exchange of information and data, as well as more available services for end-users.
Online platform: Europass shall provide, through an online platform, web-based tools for:
Europass supplements will be issued free of charge and, where possible, in electronic form. They will not replace original diplomas or certificates and will not amount to formal recognition of the original diploma or certificate by competent authorities of other countries.
Europass web-based tools shall: (i) use open standards to be made available free of charge for reuse by Member States and other stakeholders on a voluntary basis; (ii) ensure technical interoperability and synergies with other relevant instruments and services offered at Union and, where appropriate, national levels; (iii) be delivered in the official languages of the institutions of the Union.
The Europass online platform may include an option for users to store personal data such as a personal profile. Union data protection law shall apply to the processing of such personal data. National implementing measures should apply to the processing of personal data stored and processed in accordance with the Decision.
The Commissions tasks: the Commission shall manage the Europass online platform. In that regard it shall: (i) ensure the availability and high quality of Union-level information; (ii) test and, when necessary, update the Europass online platform, including open standards, in line with user needs and technological advancements as well as changes in labour markets and in the provision of education and training; (iii) keep up to date with and incorporate the latest technological developments that can improve the accessibility of Europass for older persons and persons with disabilities; (iv) ensure that any web-based tools, in particular tools for assessment and self-assessment, are fully tested and quality-assured.
Role of Member States: the latter shall: (i) promote the use and strengthen the awareness and visibility of Europass; (ii) make information on learning opportunities, qualifications and recognition practices available on the Europass online platform; (iii) involve stakeholders from all relevant sectors in the activities under their responsibility.
Financing: co-funding for the implementation of the Decision is provided, inter alia, by the Union programme Erasmus+, as established by Regulation (EU) No 1288/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council.
The revision of the Europass decision is part of the New Skills Agenda for Europe.
ENTRY INTO FORCE: 22.5.2018.