EU/Norway agreement: additional trade preferences in agricultural products


PURPOSE: to conclude an agreement in the form of an exchange of letters between the European Union and Norway concerning additional trade preferences in agricultural products.

NON-LEGISLATIVE ACT: Council Decision (EU) 2018/760 on the conclusion of an Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Union and the Kingdom of Norway concerning additional trade preferences in agricultural products.

CONTENT: the Council decided to approve, on behalf of the Union, the agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Union and the Kingdom of Norway concerning additional trade preferences in agricultural products.

The agreement was signed on 4 December 2017, subject to its conclusion. Under the new agreement, the two parties agreed to grant duty-free access to 36 new tariff lines on a reciprocal basis. These include live horses, certain products of animal origin and types of offal, plants, vegetables for animal feed, provisionally preserved vegetables, fruit, berries and nuts, seaweed, certain sugars, fruit juices and fermented beverages.

Norway increases its duty-free tariff quotas for: (i) beef (1600 t), (ii) poultry meat (150 t), (iii) canned meat products (200 t), (iv) cheese and curd (1200 t), (v) flowers and plants (two tariff lines of 12 and 3 respectively).000 000 NOK), (vi) lettuce and chicory (100 t), (vii) maize (5000 t) and sausages (200 t), and provides for a duty of 15 NOK/kg under the pigmeat quota (300 t).

The European Union increases its duty-free tariff quotas for the following Norwegian products: poultrymeat (700 t), preserved meat (300 t), whey products (4400 t), flowers (500.000 EUR), thinly sliced potatoes (150 t), animal feed (200 t) and albumin (500 t); it merges the current sheepmeat and goatmeat quotas.

ENTRY INTO FORCE: 14.5.2018.