The Committee on Legal Affairs adopted the report by Heidi HAUTALA (Greens/EFA, FI) on the request for waiver of the immunity of Georgios KYRTSOS (EPP, EL).
As a reminder, the request for waiver of Georgios Kyrtsos' immunity, transmitted on 27 February 2018 by the Deputy Prosecutor General at the Supreme Court of the Hellenic Republic, concerns non-payment to his former employee of an Easter bonus of EUR 986.46 on 27 April 2016.
Georgios Kyrtsos, as legal representative (chairman and chief executive officer) of the companies KMP Publishing House Ltd and Free Sunday Publishing House Ltd, hired his former employee on 26 July 2005 in the name of KMP Publishing House Ltd under a contract for employment in both companies as art director.
Parliament highlighted the following considerations:
On the basis of these considerations, the committee recommended that the European Parliament decide to waive Georgios Kyrtsos' immunity.