The European Parliament adopted, by 480 to 124
against, with 21 abstentions, amendments to the proposal for
a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending
Regulation (EU) No 516/2014 of the European Parliament and the
Council, as regards the re-commitment of the remaining amounts
committed to support the implementation of the Council Decisions
(EU) 2015/1523 and (EU) 2015/1601 or the allocation thereof to
other actions under the national programmes.
The matter was referred back to the committee
responsible for inter-institutional negotiations.
As a reminder, the proposal to amend Council
Regulation (EU) No 516/2014 establishing the Asylum, Migration and
Integration Fund (AMFI) allows Member States to re-commit or
transfer amounts within national programmes, through revisions to
these national programmes, in order to promote EU priorities in the
areas of migration and asylum, including relocation.
The main amendments adopted in plenary concern the
following points:
- part of the funding allocated in 2016 under Decisions
(EU) 2015/1523 and (EU) 2015/1601 remains available in Member
States' national programmes. Member States shall re-commit
20% of those amounts to actions in national programmes, for
relocation of applicants for international protection or relocation
of beneficiaries of international protection, or for resettlement
and other ad-hoc humanitarian admission;
- for the rest of these amount, where duly justified in
the revision of Member States' national programmes, it shall be
possible to fund specific actions in the area of migration and
asylum, in line with the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund
Regulation, notably in developing aspects of the Common European
Asylum System, in particular family reunification or for
supporting legal migration to the Member States and promoting the
effective integration of third-country nationals;
- the allocation of
funds shall be carried out in full respect with the principles set
out in the Financial Regulation, in particular efficiency and
- the target group
eligible for relocation as well as the countries from where
relocation takes place shall be expanded to give more flexibility
to Member States in carrying out relocations. Priority should be
given to the relocation of unaccompanied minors, other
vulnerable applicants and family members of beneficiaries of
international protection;
- with a view to implementing the principle of
solidarity and fair sharing of responsibility and in the light of
Union policy developments within the implementation period of the
Fund, Member States shall receive, in addition to their
allocation, an additional amount based on a lump sum of
EUR 10 000 for each applicant for international protection and
beneficiary of international protection transferred from another
Member State;
- lastly, the Commission shall report annually to
the European Parliament and to the Council as regards the
application of resources for the transfer of applicants for
international protection and of beneficiaries of international
protection, in particular as regards transfers to other actions
under the national programme and re-commitments.
Members insisted on the urgent need to amend
Regulation (EU) No 516/2014 before the end of 2018, stating that
the relevant funding will no longer be available for Member States'
use under the national programmes supported by the Asylum,
Migration and Integration Fund.