Horizon Europe framework programme for research and innovation 2021–2027


The European Parliament adopted by 548 votes to 70, with 49 abstentions, amendments to the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing Horizon Europe – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, laying down its rules for participation and dissemination.

The issue was referred back to the committee for interinstitutional negotiations.

The main amendments adopted in plenary concern the following points:


Following on from the Horizon 2020 programme, the proposed Regulation seeks to establish the Horizon Europe - Framework Programme for Research and Innovation for the period 2021-2027. It lays down the rules for participation and dissemination of results applicable to indirect actions carried out under the programme and establish the framework for EU support for research and innovation activities.

The Programme’s general objective is to deliver scientific, technological, economic and societal impact from the Union’s investments in research and innovation so as to strengthen the scientific and technological bases of the Union as a whole, to strengthen the European Research Area and foster its competitiveness. Research and industry shall deliver on the Union strategic priorities and policies, contribute to addressing global challenges, including the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement as well as contribute to achieving an overall investment of 3% of the GDP invested in research and development, in line with the commitment made by the Union Heads of State and Governments.

The Programme has the following specific objectives:

- develop, promote and spread scientific and technological excellence;

- support the creation and diffusion of high-quality knowledge, skills, technologies and solutions, based on both fundamental and applied research, in order to tackle global challenges, including climate change and Sustainable Development goals;

- significantly reduce the research and innovation divide within the Union, in particular by increasing participation in Horizon Europe of low R&I performing Member States as compared to the previous Framework Programme;

- strengthen the Union added value of research, development and innovation (RDI) funding, the impact of research and innovation in developing, supporting and implementing Union policies, and support the access to and uptake of innovative solutions in society and European industry;

- foster all forms of innovation and strengthen market deployment and exploitation of RDI results especially within the Union;

- optimise the Programme's delivery for strengthening and increasing the impact and RDI attractiveness of the European Research Area.


The proposed financial envelope for the implementation of the Framework Programme for the period 2021-2027 shall be EUR 120 million in 2018 prices. This shall be distributed as follows:

Pillar I: Excellent and Open Science (European Research Council, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions): 27.42%;

Pillar II: Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness: 55.48%;

Pillar III: Innovative Europe: 12.71%. 4.39% for the Part 'Strengthening the European Research Area'.

In order to respond to unforeseen situations or to new developments and needs, the Commission may, within the annual budgetary procedure, deviate from the amounts referred to above up to a maximum of 10%, including the allocation of the contributions from associated countries.

As part of the general Union objective of mainstreaming climate actions and of spending 30% of the Union budget in support of climate objectives, actions under the Programme shall contribute at least 35% of the expenditure under the Programme to climate objectives where appropriate.

At least EUR 2.5 billion shall be dedicated to grants for incremental innovation in SMEs.

45% of the budget of cluster ‘Inclusive and Creative Society’ shall support research on cultural and creative sectors, including the Union’s cultural heritage, that shall include EUR 300 million to be earmarked for the creation of a European Cultural Heritage Cloud.

At least EUR 1 billion should be spent on quantum research.

EU funding principles

Research and innovation activities carried out under Horizon Europe shall: (i) have an exclusive focus on civil applications. Budgetary transfers between the Programme and the European Defence Fund shall not be permitted; (ii) ensure a multidisciplinary approach; (iii) aim to significantly reduce the RDI divide within the Union and to promote broad geographical coverage in collaborative projects; (iv) ensure the effective promotion of gender equality and the gender dimension in research and innovation content.