PURPOSE: to adopt guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States.
PROPOSED ACT: Council decision.
ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: Council may adopt the act only if Parliament has given its consent to the act.
BACKGROUND: the guidelines were first adopted together in 2010, underpinning the Europe 2020 strategy. In 2018 they were aligned with the principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights proclaimed in November 2017 by the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission, with a view to drive reforms at national level and to serve as a compass for a renewed process of convergence across Europe.
Along with the broad economic policy guidelines, the employment guidelines are presented as a Council Decision on guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States (Part II of the Integrated Guidelines) and provide the legal basis for country-specific recommendations. They are to guide policy implementation in the Member States and in the Union, reflecting the interdependence between the Member State
While the validity of the broad economic policy guidelines is not limited to any specific period, the employment guidelines need to be drawn up each year.
The Commission considers that the employment guidelines adopted in 2018 should remain stable to ensure a focus on their implementation. In the light of an assessment of the developments of the labour markets and the social situation since the adoption of the employment guidelines in 2018, no update is necessary. The reasons for their adoption in 2018 remain valid; therefore those guidelines should be maintained.
CONTENT: the Commission proposes to maintain for 2019 the guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States, set out in the Annex to Decision (EU) 2018/1215. These guidelines should be taken into account by Member States in their employment policies and reform programmes.
The Integrated Guidelines should form the basis for country-specific recommendations that the Council may address to the Member States. Member States should make full use of the European Social Fund and other Union funds when implementing the employment guidelines.
Although the addressees of the Integrated Guidelines are the Member States and the Union, the guidelines should be implemented in partnership with all national, regional and local authorities, closely involving parliaments, as well as the social partners and representatives of civil society.
The Employment Committee and the Social Protection Committee should monitor how the relevant policies are implemented in light of the employment guidelines. Policy dialogue between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission should be maintained, in particular as regards the guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States.