Union Customs Code: prolonging the transitional use of means other than the electronic data-processing techniques


The European Parliament adopted by 552 votes to 25, with 43 abstentions, a legislative resolution on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) No 952/2013 to prolong the transitional use of means other than the electronic data-processing techniques provided for in the Union Customs Code.

The position of the European Parliament adopted at first reading under the ordinary legislative procedure amended the Commission proposal as follows:

Transitional measures

As a reminder, the Commission proposes to amend Article 278 of the Code so that the transitional arrangements for the exchange and storage of customs information (i.e. existing electronic and paper-based systems) can continue to be used after 2020 and no later than 2025 for the customs processes covered by the electronic systems that will not be implemented by 2020.

Under the amending Regulation, the period laid down in the Code during which means for the exchange and storage of information, other than the electronic data-processing techniques may be used on a transitional basis, should be extended:

- until 31 December 2022 for national electronic systems for the notification of the arrival, presentation, declaration, temporary storage and customs declaration of goods introduced into the customs territory of the Union (including special procedures other than outward processing) to be upgraded or constructed to take into account certain requirements of the Code, such as the harmonisation of data requirements to be entered in these systems;

- until 31 December 2025 for (a) the three existing trans-European systems (the system dealing with Entry Summary Declarations, the system dealing with external and internal transit, and the system dealing with goods taken out of the customs territory of the Union) as well as the National Export System (including the export component of the national Special Procedures System); (b) the three new trans-European electronic systems (the systems concerning guarantees for potential or existing customs debts, the customs status of goods, and centralised clearance).

With regard to the other systems to be set up for the purposes of implementing the Code, the general end date of 31 December 2020 for the use of means for the exchange and storage of information other than the electronic data-processing techniques should continue to apply.

Reporting obligations

By 31 December 2019 and every year thereafter until the date on which the electronic systems become fully operational, the Commission shall submit an annual report to the European Parliament and to the Council on progress in developing those electronic systems.

The annual report shall assess the progress of the Commission and the Member States in developing each of the electronic systems, taking particular account of the following milestones: (i) the date of publication of the technical specifications for the external communication of the electronic system; (ii) the period of conformance testing with economic operators; and (iii) the expected and actual dates of deployment of the electronic systems.

If the assessment shows that the progress is not satisfactory, the report shall also describe the mitigating actions to be taken to ensure the deployment of the electronic systems before the end of the applicable transitional period.