The European Parliament adopted by 497 votes to 97, with 40 abstentions, a legislative resolution on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and repealing Regulation (EU) No 508/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council.
The European Parliament's position adopted at first reading under the ordinary legislative procedure amended the Commission's proposal as follows:
Objectives and priorities
The European Fund for Maritime Affairs, Fisheries and Aquaculture (EMFAF), established for the period 2021-2027, shall contribute to the implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, the Union's maritime policy and the Union's international commitments in the field of ocean governance.
It shall have the following objectives:
- foster sustainable fishing and the protection, restoration and conservation of the sea's living resources;
- foster sustainable aquaculture
- contribute to food security in the Union through sustainable and socially responsible aquaculture, fisheries and markets;
- enable the growth of a sustainable blue economy, taking into account ecological carrying capacity, and promote the prosperity and economic and social cohesion of coastal, island and inland water communities.
The pursuit of these objectives shall not result in an increase in fishing capacity.
The financial envelope for the implementation of the EMFAF for the period 2021-2027 shall be increased to EUR 6 867 000 000 in 2018 constant prices (i.e. EUR 7 739 000 000 in current prices), compared to EUR 6 140 000 000 in current prices in the Commission proposal.
Budgetary resources under shared management
The part of the financial envelope under shared management shall be 87 % of the EMFAF financial envelope.
At least 15% of the Union financial support allocated per Member State shall be allocated to control and enforcement and the collection and processing of data for fisheries management and scientific purposes.
At least 10% of the Union financial support allocated per Member State shall be allocated to the protection and restoration of marine and coastal biodiversity and ecosystems and for marine knowledge.
At least 10% of the Union financial support allocated per Member State shall be allocated to improving the safety, working and living conditions of the crew, training, social dialogue, skills and employment. However, the Union financial support from the EMFF allocated per Member State for all investments on board shall not exceed 60% of the Union financial support allocated per Member State.
The Union financial support from the EMFAF allocated per Member State to the areas of management of fisheries and fishing fleets and extraordinary cessation of fishing activities shall not exceed the higher of the following two thresholds: (a) EUR 6 000 000; or (b) 15% of the Union financial support allocated per Member State.
The part of the financial envelope under direct and indirect management shall be 13% of the EMFAF financial envelope.
Outermost regions
Members proposed that for operations located in the outermost regions, each Member State concerned shall allocate, within its Union financial support:
- EUR 114 000 000 in 2018 constant prices (i.e. EUR 128 566 000 in current prices) for the Azores and Madeira;
- EUR 91 700 000 in 2018 constant prices (i.e. EUR 103 357 000 in current prices) for the Canary Islands;
- EUR 146 500 000 in 2018 constant prices (i.e. EUR 165 119 000 in current prices) for Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique, Mayotte, Réunion and Saint-Martin.
Action plan for small-scale coastal fishing
As part of their programme, and in collaboration with the sectors concerned, Member States shall draw up a specific action plan defining a strategy for the development of small, profitable and sustainable coastal fisheries. This strategy shall (i) promote any mechanisms that improve first-sale price, in order to benefit fishers by increasing their reward for their work; (ii) promote skills, knowledge, innovation and capacity building, in particular for young fishers.
In order to alleviate the administrative burden on operators applying for aid, Member States shall endeavour introducing a single Union simplified application form for Fund measures.
Parliament also proposed to facilitate access to credit, insurance products, and financial instruments and to improve the health, safety and working conditions on board fishing vessels, fishing on foot and shellfish gathering.
Management of fisheries and fishing fleets
Fishers, including owners of fishing vessels and crew members, who have worked at sea for at least 90 days per year during the last two calendar years preceding the date of submission of the application for support, on board a Union fishing vessel concerned by the permanent cessation may also benefit from the support. The fishers concerned shall completely cease all fishing activities. The beneficiary shall provide proof of the complete cessation of fishing activities to the competent authority.
The compensation shall be refunded by the fisher on a pro rata temporis basis where that fisher returns to a fishing activity within a period of less than two years from the date of submission of the application for support.
Compensation for additional costs
The EMFAF may support the compensation of additional costs incurred by beneficiaries in the fishing, farming, processing and marketing of certain fishery and aquaculture products from the outermost regions.
Members proposed that the compensation shall be proportionate to the additional costs it intends to off-set. The level of compensation in respect of the additional costs shall be duly justified in the compensation plan. However, the compensation shall not in any event exceed 100 % of the expenditure incurred.