The European Parliament adopted by 578 votes to
40, with 41 abstentions, a legislative resolution on the proposal
for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council
establishing Horizon Europe the Framework Programme for
Research and Innovation, laying down its rules for participation
and dissemination.
The European Parliament's position adopted at
first reading under the ordinary legislative procedure amended the
Commission's proposal.
Following on from the Horizon 2020 programme,
the proposed Regulation seeks to establish the Horizon Europe -
Framework Programme for Research and Innovation for the period
2021-2027. Its general objective is to:
- deliver scientific, technological, economic and
societal impact from the Unions investments in research and
innovation so as to strengthen the scientific and technological
bases of the Union as a whole, to strengthen the European Research
Area and foster its competitiveness in all Member
- contribute to the realisation of EU objectives and
policies, contribute to tackling global challenges, including the
Sustainable Development Goals by following the principles of the
Agenda 2030 and the Paris Agreement;
- strengthen the European Research Area.
The Programme shall thus maximise Union added
value by focusing on objectives and activities that cannot be
effectively realised by Member States acting alone, but in
It has the following specific
- to develop, promote and advance scientific excellence,
support the creation and diffusion of high-quality new fundamental
and applied knowledge, skills, technologies and solutions, training
and mobility of researchers, attract talent at all levels and
contribute to full engagement of Union's talent pool in actions
supported under this Programme;
- to generate knowledge, strengthen the impact of
research and innovation in developing, supporting and implementing
Union policies and support the access to and uptake of innovative
solutions in European industry, notably in SMEs, and society to
address global challenges, including climate change and the
Sustainable Development Goals;
- to foster all forms of innovation, facilitate
technological development, demonstration and knowledge and
technology transfer, strengthen deployment and exploitation of
innovative solutions;
- to optimise the Programme's delivery for strengthening
and increasing the impact and attractiveness of the European
Research Area, to foster the excellence-based participations from
all Member States, including low R&I performing Member States,
in Horizon Europe and to facilitate collaborative links in European
research and innovation.
Principles of the Programme
The Programme shall:
- ensure a multidisciplinary approach and shall foresee,
where appropriate, the integration of social sciences and
humanities across all clusters and activities developed under the
- ensure the effective promotion and integration of
cooperation with third countries and international organisations
and initiatives based on mutual benefits, EU interests,
international commitments and, where appropriate,
- assist widening countries to increase participation in
Horizon Europe and to promote broad geographical coverage in
collaborative projects ;
- ensure the effective promotion of equal opportunities
for all, and the implementation of gender mainstreaming, and of the
gender dimension in the research and innovation content and shall
aim to address the causes of gender imbalance;
- ensure to the extent possible gender balance, in
evaluation panels and in other relevant advisory bodies such as
boards and expert groups;
- be implemented in synergy with other Union funding
programmes while seeking maximal administrative
- contribute to increasing public and private investment
in R&I in Member States thereby helping to reach an overall
investment of at least 3% of Union gross domestic product (GDP) in
research and development;
- promote co-creation and co-design through engagement
of citizens and civil society.
The Commission when implementing the programme
shall aim at continuous administrative simplification and reduction
of the burden for the applicants and beneficiaries.
Parliament proposed to set the financial
envelope for the implementation of the Framework Programme for the
period 2021-2027 at EUR 120 million in 2018 prices.
This shall be distributed as
- Pillar I: Excellent and Open Science (European
Research Council, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions):
- Pillar II: Global Challenges and European Industrial
Competitiveness: 55.48%;
- Pillar III: Innovative Europe: 12.71%. 4.39% for the
Part 'Strengthening the European Research Area'.
In order to respond to unforeseen situations or
to new developments and needs, the Commission may, within the
annual budgetary procedure, deviate from the amounts referred to
above up to a maximum of 10%, including the allocation of the
contributions from associated countries.
As part of the general Union objective of
mainstreaming climate actions into EU sectoral policies and EU
funds, actions under this Programme shall contribute at least 35%
of the expenditure to climate objectives where appropriate. Climate
mainstreaming shall be adequately integrated in research and
innovation content.
45% of the budget of cluster Inclusive
and Creative Society shall support research on cultural and
creative sectors, including the Unions cultural heritage,
that shall include EUR 300 million to be earmarked for the creation
of a European Cultural Heritage Cloud.
At least EUR 1 billion should be spent on
quantum research.
The European Innovation
The Commission shall establish a European
Innovation Council (EIC) as a centrally-managed "one stop shop" for
implementing actions under Pillar III 'Innovative Europe
which relate to the EIC. At least 70% of EIC budget shall be
dedicated to SMEs, including start-ups.