Flexibility Instrument: adjustments to the amounts mobilised for 2019 to be used for migration, refugee inflows and security threats


PURPOSE: to amend Decision (EU) 2019/276 as regards adjustments to the amounts mobilised from the Flexibility Instrument for 2019 to be used for migration, refugee inflows and security threats.

PROPOSED ACT: Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council.

CONTENT: the Flexibility instrument is intended to allow the financing of clearly identified expenditure which could not be financed within the limits of the ceilings available for one or more other headings.

The ceiling on the annual amount available for the Flexibility Instrument is EUR 600 million (2011 prices), as laid down in Article 11 of Council Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 1311/2013.

The European Parliament and the Council decided on 12 December 2018 to mobilise the Flexibility instrument for an amount of EUR 1 164 million:

- EUR 179 million for heading 1a Competitiveness for Growth and Jobs to reinforce key competitiveness programmes (namely Horizon 2020 and Erasmus+);

- EUR 985.6 million for heading 3 as proposed by the Commission.

The Commission submitted a draft amending budget No 4/2019 that includes reductions in the level of commitment appropriations for both heading 1a and 3 and therefore reduces the need for the use of the Flexibility instrument. This proposal accompanies this DAB and aims at adjusting accordingly the amounts mobilised from the Flexibility Instrument while respecting the purpose of the mobilisation.

The adjusted mobilisation of the Flexibility Instrument shall amount to EUR 1 090 million (from EUR 1 164 million), of which EUR 160 million for heading 1a and EUR 930 million for heading 3.

The indicative payment appropriations corresponding to the proposed reduced mobilisation of the Flexibility Instrument are as follows:

- EUR 511 468 976 in 2019;

- EUR 242 308 256 in 2020;

- EUR 126 300 853 in 2021;

- EUR 131 990 641 in 2022;

- EUR 78 314 887 in 2023.

This proposed mobilisation decision will amend Decision (EU) 2019/276.

The mobilisation of the Flexibility instrument is adopted simultaneously with the amendment of the 2019 budget as it allows financing of some actions over and above a Multiannual Financial Framework ceiling. In order to ensure coherence with that amendment, this Decision should enter into force on the day of its adoption.