The European Parliament adopted by 455 votes to 85, with 105 abstentions, the resolution on the situation in Venezuela.
The text adopted in plenary had been tabled as a joint resolution by the EPP, S&D, Renew, Greens/EFA and ECR groups.
Between 2018 and 2019 the political, economic, institutional, social and multidimensional humanitarian crisis has significantly worsened with increased shortages of medicines and food, massive human rights violations, hyperinflation, political oppression, corruption and violence are endangering peoples lives and forcing them to flee the country.
It is estimated that more than 7 million people in Venezuela are in need of humanitarian assistance. The de facto Maduro government has violated the right to food, including the states obligation to ensure that the population is free from hunger.
Parliament reiterated its deep concern at the severe state of emergency in Venezuela, which is seriously endangering the lives of its citizens. It also reiterated its full support for legitimate interim President Juan Guaidó and for the National Assembly, which is Venezuelas legitimate democratic body and whose powers need to be restored and respected, including the prerogatives and safety of its members. It condemned the revocation of the parliamentary immunity of 22 parliamentarians and the incarceration of two. It expressed its concern over the lack of legitimacy of the May 2018 presidential elections.
The resolution called for:
Parliament drew attention to the increasingly serious migration crisis across the entire region and praises the efforts of and solidarity shown by neighbouring countries, especially Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. It requested that the Commission continue to cooperate with these countries, not only by providing humanitarian assistance but also by providing more resources and through development policy.
Lastly, it reaffirmed that a peaceful, democratic and inclusive solution is the only sustainable way out of the current political impasse.