Amending budget 1/2019: surplus of the financial year 2018


On 15 April 2019, the Commission submitted to the Council draft amending budget (DAB) No 1 to the general budget for 2019 concerning the budgeting of the surplus resulting from the implementation of the budget year 2018.

The implementation of the budget year 2018 shows a surplus of EUR 1 802 988 329 resulting from:

A) A positive outturn in the revenue part of the budget (+EUR 1 274.59 million) of which:


  • Title 1 (Own resources): -EUR 34.08 million;
  • Title 3 (Surpluses, balances and adjustments): +EUR 25.71 million;
  • Title 7 (Interest on late payments and fines): +EUR 1 312.64 million;
  • Other titles -EUR 29.68 million.


B) An under-implementation on the expenditure side of the budget (-EUR 528.40 million), notably of:


  • appropriations authorised in the 2018 budget (Commission and other institutions): -EUR 398.14 million;
  • cancellation of appropriations carried over from 2017 (Commission and other institutions): -EUR 129.70 million;
  • exchange rate variations -EUR 0.56 million.

The budgeting of this surplus will diminish accordingly the global contribution of Member States to the financing of the EU budget in 2019.

On 3 September 2019, the Council adopted its position on DAB No 1 to the general budget for 2019 as set out in the technical annex to its explanatory memorandum.