PURPOSE: to allocate fishing opportunities under the Protocol on the implementation of the Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe and the European Community.
PROPOSED ACT: Council Regulation.
BACKGROUND: this procedure is initiated in parallel with the procedures related to the Council Decision on the signature, on behalf of the Union, of the Protocol to the Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe and the European Community and the Council Decision on its conclusion.
A new protocol was initialled on 17 April 2019. The Protocol covers a period of five years from the date of its provisional application, i.e. from the date of its signature. It provides the following fishing opportunities for EU vessels: (a) 28 freezer tuna seiners; (b) 6 surface longliners. The method for allocating these fishing opportunities among Member States should be established.
CONTENT: the draft Council Regulation provides that the fishing opportunities established under the Protocol on the implementation of the Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe and the European Community shall be allocated among the Member States as follows:
(a) tuna seiners: Spain: [16] vessels; France: [12] vessels;
(b) surface longliners: Spain: [5] vessels; Portugal: [1] vessel.
The Protocol shall apply provisionally from the date of its signature. In order to ensure an expeditious start to fishing activities by Union vessels, this Regulation should therefore apply from the same date.