Fishing authorisations for Union vessels in United Kingdom waters and fishing operations of United Kingdom fishing vessels in Union waters


The Committee on Fisheries adopted the report by Chris DAVIES (RENEW Europe, UK) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) 2017/2403 as regards fishing authorisations for Union vessels in United Kingdom waters and fishing operations of United Kingdom fishing vessels in Union waters.

The committee recommended that the European Parliament adopt its position at first reading, in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure, taking over the Commission proposal.

The draft regulation proposed by the Commission aims to extend, for the year 2020, the application of the contingency measures relative to the sustainable management of external fishing fleets regulation adopted in March 2019 under Regulation (EU) 2019/498. The issuing of mutual access rights requires that fishing activities are sustainable in accordance with the objectives of the common fisheries policy (CFP).

In view of the continuing uncertainty regarding an orderly withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU, the Committee on Fisheries considers that such a temporary framework established for 2019 remains necessary for 2020.