Amending budget 3/2020: surplus of the financial year 2019


PURPOSE: to present draft amending budget No 3/2020 which aims to enter in the 2020 budget the surplus resulting from the implementation of the budget year 2019.

CONTENT: the implementation of the budget year 2019 shows a surplus of EUR 3 218 373 955, which is therefore entered as revenue in the 2020 budget.

Budgeting the surplus shall reduce accordingly the total contribution of the 27 Member States and the UK to the financing of the 2020 budget.

As regards the outturn for 2019 in terms of the implementation of revenue, the draft amending budget shows that the differences in Title 1 (Own Resources) represent 0.02 % of the forecast. They mainly consist of -EUR 107 million lower revenue from traditional own resources (99.5 % of the forecast has been collected) and EUR 77 million higher revenue from exchange rate (as own resources are paid in national currency but budgeted and accounted for in euro). In Title 3 (Surpluses, balances and adjustments), linked to the adjustments of own resources, the difference is limited to EUR 1.8 million.

The largest difference (EUR 2 510 million) is found in Title 7 (Default interest and fines). The outturn is composed of competition fines and default interest, other penalty payments and interest linked to fines and penalty payments.

The Commission implemented 99.6 % of the authorised payment appropriations. The amount not implemented was EUR 592.3 million, of which EUR 351.5 million of the Emergency Aid Reserve and EUR 94.5 million in reserve under heading 3 Security and Citizenship.

The under-implementation of the other institutions of EUR 82 million is slightly higher than in 2018 (EUR 76 million) but lower than in 2017 and 2016 (EUR 83 million and EUR 103 million, respectively).