Amending budget 3/2020: surplus of the financial year 2019


On 15 April 2020, the Commission submitted to the Council draft amending budget (DAB) No 3 to the general budget for 2020 concerning the budgeting of the surplus resulting from the implementation of the budget year 2019.

The implementation of the budget year 2019 shows a surplus of EUR 3 218.37 million resulting from:

A positive outturn in the revenue part of the budget (+EUR 2 414.77 million) of which:


  • Title 1 (Own resources): -EUR 29.48 million,
  • Title 3 (Surpluses, balances and adjustments): +EUR 1.83 million,
  • Title 7 (Interest on late payments and fines): +EUR 2 510.46 million,
  • Other titles -EUR 68.04 million.

An under-implementation on the expenditure side of the budget (-EUR 803.60 million), notably of:


  • appropriations authorised in the 2019 budget (Commission and other institutions): -EUR 674.68 million,
  • cancellation of appropriations carried over from 2018 (Commission and other institutions): -EUR 125.30 million,
  • exchange rate variations -EUR 3.62 million.

The budgeting of this surplus will diminish accordingly the global contribution of the 27 Member States and the United Kingdom to the financing of the EU budget in 2020.

On 6 May 2020, the Council adopted its position on DAB No 3 to the general budget for 2020 as set out in the technical annex to the Council draft amending budget No 3/2020.