EU/Japan Agreement: civil aviation safety


PURPOSE: to conclude the agreement on civil aviation safety between the European Union and Japan.

PROPOSED ACT: Council Decision.

ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: Council may adopt the act only if Parliament has given its consent to the act.

BACKGROUND: the agreement on civil aviation safety between the European Union and Japan was signed on 22 June 2020, subject to its conclusion at a later date. The agreement must now be approved.

CONTENT: the Council's draft is aimed at approving, on behalf of the Union, the agreement on civil aviation safety between the European Union and Japan.

The EU shall be represented:

- in the Joint Committee of the Parties established under the Agreement, by the Commission, assisted by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency and accompanied by the aviation authorities of the Member States as their representatives;

- in the Certification Oversight Board with regard to certification by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency, assisted by the aviation authorities of the Member States directly concerned by the agenda of each meeting.

The decision shall contain provisions for the adoption of safeguard measures, requests for consultations and measures to suspend acceptance obligations, as well as for the adoption of decisions on amendments to the Annexes to the Agreement.