The European Parliament adopted a resolution on the follow-up to the conclusions of the Conference on the future of Europe.
The resolution was tabled by the EPP, S&D, Renew, Greens/EFA, The Left groups and Members.
Parliament expressed its satisfaction with the ambitious and constructive proposals formulated by the Conference, based on the recommendations and ideas from the European and national citizens' panels, the European Youth Event and the online platform.
Stressing the importance of the parliamentary dimension of the Conference process, Members expressed their wish to encourage dialogue and cooperation between national parliaments and the European Parliament. They also supported the continued use of citizen participation and consultation in the EU's decision-making process.
Parliament stressed that the most recent crises call for European solutions. The conclusions of the conference show that there is an urgent need for the EU to take a leading role in combating climate change, protecting biodiversity and promoting sustainability. Furthermore, the positive actions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of health, economic growth and social cohesion should be transformed into a new permanent institutional and strategic framework.
In particular, the Russian aggression against Ukraine has demonstrated the need for a stronger geopolitical Union, speaking with one voice in the world and pursuing common policies in the fields of security, defence, energy and migration, based on joint action and full solidarity.
Members stressed the need to follow up on the conclusions of the conference and the expectations of citizens by working for ambitious changes in some of the most crucial policies. They argued that political integration can be deepened by establishing a right of legislative initiative for the European Parliament and abolishing unanimity in the Council.
Parliament recognised that the conference's conclusions call for Treaty changes, including simplification of the Union's institutional architecture, greater accountability and transparency in decision-making and a new reflection on the EU's competences.
Members consider that it is essential to focus on the follow-up to the conference proposals in order to respond to citizens' demands. They expect all EU institutions to commit themselves to a constructive and ambitious approach, in accordance with their respective roles and competences, including by making legislative proposals.