PURPOSE: to create a single window for customs to facilitate international trade, shorten customs clearance times and reduce the risk of fraud.
LEGISLATIVE ACT: Regulation (EU) 2022/2399 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the European Union's single window environment for customs and amending Regulation (EU) No 952/2013.
CONTENT: the Regulation aims to establish common rules for a harmonised and integrated EU Single Window environment for customs. This environment will comprise a set of fully integrated electronic services provided at EU and national level to facilitate information sharing and digital cooperation between customs authorities and partner competent authorities and to streamline the goods clearance process for economic operators.
Efficient customs clearance and controls are essential to allow trade to flow smoothly while also protecting EU citizens, businesses and the environment. Once fully implemented, businesses will no longer have to submit documents to several authorities through different portals. The single window environment will allow customs and other authorities to automatically verify that the goods in question comply with EU requirements and that the necessary formalities have been completed.
The Single Window Environment:
- will allow Member State authorities involved in goods clearance at the EU's external borders to access and exchange electronic information provided by traders;
- will also facilitate the automated verification of non-customs formalities for goods entering or leaving the EU. This will eliminate the need for manual documentary controls to verify certain non-customs formalities;
- promote the smooth flow of cross-border trade and help reduce the administrative burden on traders.
Establishing an EU Single Window Environment for Customs
The EU Single Window environment for customs includes:
- an electronic certificate exchange system within the EU Single Window for Customs;
- national single window environments for customs;
- the EU non-customs systems referred to in Part A of the Annex (Common Health Entry Document for animals, products, feed and plants; ozone depleting substances licence; fluorinated greenhouse gases; import licence for cultural goods), the use of which is mandatory under Union law;
- the EU non-customs Union systems referred to in Part B of the Annex (forest law enforcement, governance and trade import licences; EU export control, brokering, technical assistance, transit and transfers of dual-use items; certificates for international trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora; and the information and communication system for market surveillance), the use of which is voluntary under Union law.
EU Single Window Certificate Exchange System for Customs
The EU Single Window for Customs (EU CSW-CERTEX) electronic certificate exchange system is being set up to enable the exchange of information. The EU CSW-CERTEX system will connect the national customs single window environments to the non-customs systems of the Union referred to in the Annex. The Commission, in cooperation with the Member States, will ensure the development, integration and operation of the EU CSW-CERTEX system.
Establishment of national single window environments for customs
Each Member State will establish a national single window environment for customs and shall be responsible for its development, integration and operation.
The national single window environments for customs will enable the exchange of information and cooperation by electronic means between customs authorities, partner competent authorities and economic operators through EU CSW-CERTEX for the purposes of compliance with, and efficient enforcement of, customs legislation and the Union non-customs formalities listed in the Annex.
National coordinators
Each Member State will appoint a national coordinator for the EU Single Window Environment for Customs. The national coordinator will: (a) act as the national contact point for the Commission on all matters relating to the implementation of the Regulation; (b) promote and support cooperation between national customs authorities and partner competent authorities at national level; (c) coordinate activities related to the connection of national single window environments for customs with EU CSW-CERTEX, and the provision of information.
Design of the EU Single Window Environment for Customs
The EU Single Window Environment for Customs and its components will be designed, interconnected and operated in accordance with Union law on the protection of personal data, the free flow of non-personal data and cybersecurity, using the most appropriate technologies having regard to the particular characteristics of the specific data and electronic systems concerned, and the purposes of those systems.
By 31 December 2027, and annually thereafter, the Commission will submit a report to the European Parliament and the Council on the implementation of this Regulation.
ENTRY INTO FORCE: 12.12.2022. Certain provisions shall apply from 13.12.2031.