The European Parliament adopted by 514 votes to 52, with 74 abstentions, a legislative resolution on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure and repealing Directive 2014/94/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
This Regulation establishes mandatory national targets leading to the deployment of sufficient alternative fuels infrastructure in the Union for road vehicles, trains, vessels and stationary aircraft. It lays down common technical specifications and requirements on user information, data provision and payment requirements for alternative fuels infrastructure.
The European Parliament's position adopted at first reading under the ordinary legislative procedure amends the Commission's proposal as follows:
Targets for electric recharging infrastructure for light electric vehicles
Member States should ensure that in their territory charging stations for light electric vehicles open to the public are deployed in proportion to the uptake of light electric vehicles and provide sufficient power output for these vehicles. To this end, Member States should ensure that, by the end of each year, the following power output targets are cumulatively met: (a) for each battery electric light-duty vehicle registered in their territory, a total power output of at least 1.3 kW is provided by publicly available charging stations; and (b) for each plug-in hybrid electric light-duty vehicle registered in their territory, a total power output of at least 0.80 kW is provided by publicly available charging stations.
Under the amended text, electric charging stations with a capacity of at least 400 kW for cars should be deployed at least every 60 km on the TEN-T core network by 31 December 2025. The power must be increased to 600 kW by 31 December 2027. By 31 December 2027 at the latest, on at least 50% of the length of the overall TEN-T road network, each recharging park must provide an output power of at least 300 kW and include at least one recharging point with an individual output power of at least 150 kW.
Targets for electric recharging infrastructure reserved for electric heavy goods vehicles
For trucks and buses, charging stations should be provided every 120 km. These facilities should be installed along at least 15% of the length of the TEN-T road network by 31 December 2025, with an output power of at least 1400 kW. They should be installed on 50% of the major roads in the EU by 2028, with an output of 1400 kW along the TEN-T core road network and 2800 kW along the overall TEN-T road network.
By 31 December 2030, along the TEN-T core road network, each recharging pool offers a power output of at least 3 600 kW and includes at least two recharging points with an individual power output of at least 350 kW. Each recharging pool offers a power output of at least 1 500 kW and includes at least one recharging point with an individual power output of at least 350 kW.
By 31 December 2027 at the latest, each safe and secure parking area must be equipped with at least two publicly accessible recharging stations (four charging stations by 31 December 2030 at the latest) and provide an individual output power of at least 100 kW.
Targets for hydrogen refuelling infrastructure for road vehicles
Member States should ensure that hydrogen refuelling stations are deployed at least every 200 km along the TEN-T core network by 2031. Member States should reduce the capacity of a hydrogen refuelling station open to the public by up to 50% along roads in the TEN-T core network where the total annual average daily traffic is less than 2000 heavy duty vehicles and where the deployment of the infrastructure cannot be justified on socio-economic cost-benefit grounds.
Exemptions are provided for the outermost regions of the Union and for islands.
Charging infrastructure
Users of alternative fuel vehicles should be able to pay easily at recharging points (with payment cards or contactless devices and without a need to have a subscription). Prices of these fuels should be displayed per kWh, kg or per minute/session.
Infrastructures for liquefied methane for road transport vehicles
Until 31 December 2024, Member States should ensure that an appropriate number of publicly accessible refuelling points for liquefied methane are deployed, at least along the TEN-T core network, in order to allow heavy-duty motor vehicles using liquefied methane to circulate throughout the Union, where there is demand, unless the costs of doing so are disproportionate to the benefits, including environmental benefits.
Targets for shore-side electricity supply in maritime ports
The setting of binding targets for deployment should ensure that the industry has sufficient shore-side electricity for ships that are moored at the quayside in TEN-T core maritime ports and TEN-T comprehensive maritime ports to comply with those requirements. Therefore, clear targets for shore-side electricity infrastructure deployment in TEN-T ports are laid down.
Since Member States have different governance models for ports, in order to reach those targets, Member States should be able to decide on the best way for them in which to deploy infrastructure within their ports and in the different terminals according to their needs.
Targets for supply of electricity to stationary aircraft
Member States should ensure that, at all airports of the TEN-T core network and TEN-T comprehensive network, the provision of electricity supply to stationary aircraft is ensured by 31 December 2029, at all aircraft remote stands used for commercial air transport operations to embark or disembark passengers or to load or unload goods.
User information
Relevant, consistent and clear information should be made available as regards motor vehicles placed on the market which are capable of being regularly recharged or refuelled. That information should be made available: (a) in motor vehicle manuals and on motor vehicles, by the manufacturers, when those vehicles are placed on the market; (b) at recharging and refuelling points, by recharging and refuelling point operators; and (c) in motor vehicle dealerships, by the distributors.
The amended text also provides for the establishment, by 2027, of a European access point for data on alternative fuels, to provide information on availability, waiting times and prices at the various stations