Deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure


PURPOSE: to deploy sufficient alternative fuels infrastructure in the Union, in particular for road vehicles, trains, vessels and stationary aircraft.

LEGISLATIVE ACT: Regulation (EU) 2023/1804 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure and repealing Directive 2014/94/EU.

CONTENT : this Regulation establishes mandatory national targets leading to the deployment of sufficient alternative fuels infrastructure in the Union, which will enable the transport sector to significantly reduce its carbon footprint.

Main deployment targets for 2025 and 2030

The regulation sets out specific deployment targets to be achieved by 2025 or 2030, including:

- electric recharging pools with a capacity of at least 400 kW for cars will have to be deployed at least every 60 km on the core network of the European transport network (TEN-T) by 31 December 2025. The power must be increased to 600 kW by 31 December 2027. By 31 December 2027, on at least 50% of the overall TEN-T road network, each recharging pool must offer an output power of at least 300 kW and include at least one recharging point with an individual output power of at least 150 kW;

- no later than 31 December 2025, at least along 15% of the length of the TEN-T road network, charging stations for electric heavy goods vehicles must be deployed in each direction of travel; each charging station must provide an output power of at least 1400 kW and include at least one recharging point with a minimum output power of 350 kW;

- no later than 31 December 2030, recharging pools for electric heavy goods vehicles with a minimum output of 350 kW must be deployed every 60 km along the TEN-T core network and every 100 km on the wider TEN-T overall network;

- by 31 December 2027 at the latest, each safe and secure parking area must be equipped with at least two publicly accessible recharging stations (four charging stations by 31 December 2030 at the latest) and provide an individual output power of at least 100 kW;

- hydrogen refuelling stations serving both cars and lorries must be deployed from 2030 onwards in all urban nodes and every 200 km along the TEN-T core network;

- maritime ports welcoming a minimum number of large passenger vessels, or container vessels, must provide shore-side electricity for such vessels by 2030;

- airports must provide electricity to stationary aircraft at all gates by 2025, and at all remote stands by 2030.

Recharging infrastructure

Users of alternative fuel vehicles should be able to pay easily at recharging points (with payment cards or contactless devices and without the need for a subscription). Prices for these fuels should be displayed per kWh, per minute or per session.

Relevant, consistent and clear information will be made available as regards motor vehicles placed on the market which are capable of being regularly recharged or refuelled.

Operators of recharging or refuelling points will provide consumers electronically with comprehensive information on availability, waiting times or prices at the various stations. The regulation provides for a European access point for data on alternative fuels to be set up by 2027.

ENTRY INTO FORCE: 12.10.2023.

APPLICATION: from 13.4.2024.