Type-approval of motor vehicles and engines with respect to their emissions and battery durability (Euro 7)


The European Parliament adopted by 297 votes to 190, with 37 abstentions, a legislative resolution on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on type-approval of motor vehicles and engines and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles, with respect to their emissions and battery durability (Euro 7) and repealing Regulations (EC) No 715/2007 and (EC) No 595/2009.

The European Parliament's position adopted at first reading under the ordinary legislative procedure amends the proposal as follows:

Subject matter and scope

The proposed Regulation lays down:

- common technical requirements and administrative provisions for the emission type-approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles, systems, components and separate technical units, with regard to their CO2 and pollutant emissions, fuel and electric energy consumption and battery durability.

- rules for the emission type-approval, conformity of production, in-service conformity, market surveillance of on-board monitoring systems, durability of pollution control systems and traction batteries, as well as security provisions to limit tampering and cybersecurity measures, and rules for the accurate determination of CO2 emissions, electric range, fuel and electric energy consumption and energy efficiency.

Emission reduction and increase battery durability

The Euro 7 regulation establishes rules for the exhaust gas emissions of road vehicles, but also for other types of emissions such as tyre abrasion and brake particle emissions. It also sets limits for battery durability. The new legislation replaces the previously separate emissions rules for cars and vans (Euro 6) and lorries and buses (Euro VI).

The amended Regulation maintains the existing Euro 6 exhaust emission limits for cars and vans. However, the agreement limits the emission of solid particles with a diameter starting from 10 nm (PN10).

In the case of heavy-duty buses and trucks, the deal reached today establishes more stringent limits for various pollutants, including for pollutants that were not regulated in Euro VI, such as nitrous oxide (N2O)

Concerning the limits for braking emissions, the Regulation provides that for cars and vans, a specific limit of 3 mg/km in the standard driving cycle for pure electric vehicles and 7 mg/km for all the rest of powertrains. Specific limits for heavy vans are included in the agreement, namely 5 mg/km for pure electric vehicles and 11 mg/km for other powertrains.

Obligations of the manufacturers

Manufacturers should design and construct systems, components or separate technical units, including engines, electric motors, traction batteries, brake systems, tyres and replacement pollution control systems to comply with this Regulation, including with the emission limits set out in Annex I under the testing conditions set out in Annex III.

Manufacturers should not design, construct and assemble vehicles with manipulation devices or manipulation strategies.

Manufacturers should design, construct and assemble vehicles of categories M1, M2, M3, N1, N2 and N3 with:

- OBD systems that can detect malfunctioning systems which lead to exhaust emission exceedances or the malfunctioning of components related to emission performance in order to facilitate repairs;

- OBM systems capable of monitoring exhaust emissions;

- OBFCM devices to monitor their real-world fuel and electric energy consumption;

- excess exhaust emissions driver warning systems;

- devices communicating off-board vehicle generated data used for compliance with this Regulation and OBFCM data, including for the purpose of periodic roadworthiness tests.

Manufacturers should not deny access on anti-tampering grounds to information, tools or processes required to develop, install and activate compatible aftermarket replacement parts meeting the technical requirements of the manufacturer unless they can demonstrate that withholding information, tools and processes in question is a proportionate means in addressing the antitampering concerns at issue.

Environmental data about the vehicle type and the environmental performance of individual vehicles should be made available to users and, where appropriate, displayed inside the vehicle.

Environmental passport

Environmental data about vehicle types should be made available to vehicle users. An Environmental Vehicle Passport (EVP) should therefore be made available for each vehicle. Vehicle users should also have access to up-to-date information about fuel consumption, the state of health of traction batteries, pollutant emissions and other relevant information generated by on-board systems and monitors.

Application dates

The Regulation foresees different dates of application after the regulation enters into force: (i) 30 months for new types of cars and vans, and 42 months for new vehicles; (ii) 48 months for new types of buses, trucks and trailers, and 60 months for new vehicles.

The Regulation should apply from 1 July 2028 for new types of C1 class tyres, from 1 April 2030 for new types of C2 class tyres and 1 April 2032 for new types of C3 class tyre.