2022 discharge: General budget of the EU - European Parliament


PURPOSE: to grant discharge to the European Parliament for the financial year 2022.

NON-LEGISLATIVE ACT: Decision (EU) 2024/2222 of the European Parliament on discharge in respect of the implementation of the general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2022, Section I – European Parliament.

CONTENT: with the present decision, the European Parliament grants discharge to its President for the implementation of its budget for the financial year 2022.

This decision is in line with the European Parliament's resolution adopted on 11 April 2024 and comprises a series of observations that form an integral part of the discharge decision (please refer to the summary dated 11 April 2024).

2022 was a year of transition for the Union institutions, including Parliament, measures introduced as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic were discontinued by June 2022. Members welcomed the efforts of all DGs and the Secretary-General to put the necessary tools in place to resume parliamentary work so that it functions in the same way as it did before the COVID-19 pandemic. The also noted that the COVID-19 pandemic is estimated to have generated a moderate surplus of EUR 16 417 325 and that is necessary to reinforce other budget lines by a total of EUR 7 549 000.

Moreover, Parliament’s administration put considerable effort into the implementation of the budget with a view to meeting urgent needs arising from the crisis situation due to the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine and the exceptionally high level of inflation.

Amongst Parliaments main observations, the latter noted that Parliament's final appropriations for 2022 totalled EUR 2 161 million, or 19.55 % of Heading 7 of the Multiannual Financial Framework set aside for the 2022 administrative expenditure of the Union institutions as a whole, representing a 4.76 % increase compared to the 2021 budget.

The total revenue entered in the accounts as of 31 December 2022 was EUR 250 473 772 (compared to EUR 215 332 108 in 2021). Assigned revenue made available in 2022 amounted to EUR 61 267 620 (compared to EUR 37 150 962 in 2021).