PURPOSE : to amend Regulation 2037/2000/EC on substances that deplete the ozone layer, as regards metered dose inhalers and medical drug pumps.
COMMUNITY MEASURE : Regulation 2038/2000/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council.
CONTENT : the Council adopted two Regulations amending the Regulation adopted on 29 June 2000 relating to substances that deplete the ozone layer which implements the Montreal protocol:
- a regulation amending the base year for the allocation of hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs);
- the present regulation on metered dose inhalers and medical drug pumps.
These amendments are intended to correct two points in the basic Regulation.
The first amendment concerns the base year for allocating quotas of HCFCs for producers and importers of HCFCs. The base year provided for in the initial Regulation - 1996 - has been replaced by 1999 so that the allocation of import quotas is based on the most recent and representative figures available, in this case 1999, and so as not to result in the breach of the principles of non-discrimination and legitimate expectations, given that the market in HCFCs has changed since 1996. The Council agreed to the text as passed by the European Parliament on 21 September.
The second amendment corrects the intial Regulation in order to enable the export to developing countries of health products whose use is permitted in the EU. This relates to metered dose inhalers and medical drug pumps for implantation in the human body for medical reasons.
The proposed amendments do not conflict with the European Community's obligations under the Montreal Protocol.
Since the Regulation of the 29 June 2000 will be applicable as of 1 October 2000 and in order to avoid legal inconsistencies, the three Regulations will be published simultaneously in the Official Journal.
ENTRY INTO FORCE : 30.09.2000.�