1999 budget: other sections

OBJECTIVE: presentation of the 'other sections' of the budget for 1999 as drawn up by the Council. SUBSTANCE: The Council set the total administrative appropriations for all the institutions (including the European Parliament and the Ombudsman) at EUR 4422 m, an increase of EUR 69 m or + 1.58% in relation to the allocations for 1998. The basic principle underlying the draft budget was that it should be subject to the same degree of discipline as that which the Member States were imposing on themselves. The application of this principle resulted in only a limited increase in overall expenditure and a refusal to create jobs except where certain requirements associated with enlargement or the implementation of the Amsterdam Treaty were concerned. More specifically, the Council granted the Commission 110 additional posts in connection with the last enlargement. It also agreed that 71 posts should be created at the Council to integrate the 'Schengen' secretariat and 22 posts (including 17 temporary) for the CFSP Policy Planning and Early Warning Unit (UPP). It also accepted the creation of 10 translator posts in the budget of the Court of Justice. The Council carried out a limited regrading/transformation of certain posts at the Council, Commission, Official Publications Office and other Community institutions.�