Noise pollution: noise emission by equipment used outdoors

The objective of the proposal is to harmonise the laws of the Member States relating to noise emission standards, conformity assessment procedures, marking, technical documentation and collection of data concerning the noise emission in the environment of equipment for use outdoors, and to update existing Community legislation in this field. Compared to the Commission proposal, the common position simplifies the procedures on conformity assessment by reducing the number of options from 5 to 3, including a new (and less bureaucratic) option for an internal production control carried out by industry. Some additional categories of equipment have been included in the Directive and certain limit values have been adjusted taking into the technical possibilities to meet the proposed limits. The collection of noise data has been simplified making use of the EC-declaration of conformity. The common position also foresees for certain lawnmowers and lawn trimmers/lawn edge trimmers indicative permissible sound power levels in stage II which are 2dB lower than stage I. The Commission must within 2 years examine this question and submit a report to the Council and the European Parliament and, if appropriate, a proposal to amend the Directive. The stage I limits will continue to apply until an amendment to the Directive replaces the indicative figures. The Council considers that the common position would improve the protection of human health, simplifying existing legislation and contribute to a smooth functioning of the Internal Market.�