Commissioner Fischler presented two proposals adopted by the Commission on 4 October that followed up the Commission communication of August 1994 on the development and future of Community policy in the (fresh and processed) fruit and vegetables sector. The Council held an initial discussion on the proposals. It had before it for that purpose an interim report summarising discussions within the SCA (on fresh fruit and vegetables only). It emerged from that discussion that the major issues on which discussion should be continued in future were the following: - the conformity of the Commission proposals with the undertakings by the Council and the Commission at the joint jumbo Council meeting in September 1993; - the fact that the proposals did not include = a number of products (strawberries, melons, nuts, etc.) and = reform of the processed citrus fruit sector; - reduction of Community aid without compensation or accompanying measures; - co-funding of operations by the Community, the Member States and producers; - criteria governing recognition, the objectives and obligations of producer organisations; - choice between the existing Community standards and adoption of the standards established by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE/UN); - compatibility between the proposed measures concerning inter-branch organisations and agreements and observance of the principles of free movement and competition; - arrangements to be adopted for processed tomatoes; - tighter controls and their financing. In conclusion, the Council instructed the SCA to continue examining the proposals with a view to submitting a detailed report at its next meeting.