The rapporteur criticised the conditions under which the air quality measurements had been taken. These really should have been taken in the most affected areas. He also regretted that the Auto/Oil study had fixed targets for 2010. In his opinion, more prescriptive standards needed to be set for 2000 and 2005. This would still give refiners the time to modernise their refineries and supply clean diesel. In this respect, he noted that there were already refineries using clean technology to produce clean diesel, even if this was for the United States of America and Japan and not for Europe. While confirming that a ban on leaded petrol was needed after the year 2000, Commissioner Papoutsis justified the derogation until 1 January 2002 at the latest. He added that the Commission could accept around ten of the amendments which particularly dealt with buses, taxis and commercial vehicles and also specific fuels (LPG, natural gas vehicle fuel and biofuels). On the other hand, he rejected the remaining amendments as they worked against the cost-effectiveness criterion, they specified measures shown not to be economically efficient or which were not scientifically proven or they were superfluous.